Your Network is Your Net Worth
For years, net worth was a quantified number or a collection of assets. We’ve entered a new era, one in which shifting cultural values and the explosion of digital technology enable us to network in vastly more efficient, more focused, and more enjoyable ways.
- Moderator: Sam Fiorella
- Speaker Name: Jill Fagan
- Guest BOA member::Lisa Nistor – HR Analyst, City Of Regina
Jill is a seasoned recruiter, an ICF coach and certified in EQ~i 2.0 assessments. She helps individuals find great jobs, explore what’s important to them and develop their leadership presence. Jill helps organizations recruit great talent, define their company values and build resilient cultures.
Experienced Human Resources Analyst with a demonstrated history of working in the government administration industry. Skilled in Project Management, Employee Relations, Microsoft Excel, Customer Service, Payroll and Analytics. Strong human resources professional with a Certified Payroll Manager designation from the National Payroll Institute
Bianca Mueller, CPB
Looking forward to chatting about this hot topic shortly!