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1. What is HCM DIALOGUE?

HCM DIALOGUE is an online community and news source designed specifically for Accounting, HR, and Payroll Professionals, sponsored by the National Payroll Institute. It offers industry news and insights as well as peer-to-peer engagement opportunities for professionals and their organizations to better understand and leverage the growing practice of human capital management through content, advice, networking and mentorship.

Unlike other social networks, HCM DIALOGUE:

• Is a community solely dedicated to Payroll, HR, Accounting, and Finance Professionals

• Can help you grow your personal brand, career, and your business

• Is a leading voice and resource for Human Capital Management

• Is fun and easy to use

• Is completely FREE!

There are plenty of benefits to joining the community, such as:

• Staying up-to-date on the latest industry news that impacts all those in the human capital management space

• Peer-to-Peer Networking – Advance your knowledge and business value

• Business Development – Add value to your organization via strategic insights earned

• Career Advancement – Education and networking that will help advance your careers

• Fun and Entertainment – Industry-specific entertainment, contests, and diversions

• Exclusive Benefits – Members eligible for socialized gifts and access to industry events

• Friendships – Connect with peers and industry insiders across Canada

You’re right. HCM DIALOGUE was previously called the 17th Floor. We’re always looking at the site and how it can be improved. After watching the site for a couple of years, we felt that our users could benefit from more news-worthy, in-depth HCM content, similar to the calibre of content shared in DIALOGUE Magazine, which is a benefit exclusive to members of the National Payroll Institute.

To do so, we began working with notable HCM writers and have changed the format of the site – while keeping many of the benefits and features our users have come to love. Now, our users can continue to engage, network and connect with their HCM community in more focused ways, while finding more rich content that can help them in their day-to-day work.

Unlike DIALOGUE Magazine, HCM DIALOGUE is free, no membership required. An account is required to engage throughout the site, but the content is publicly accessible and sharable.

The Board of Advocates (BOA) is a select group of Canadian professionals who volunteer their time and expertise to help guide and encourage discussion on HCM DIALOGUE and help us get the word out to the HCM community.

The BOA features a cross-section of individuals within the Finance, Accounting, HR, and Payroll professions. The role is entirely voluntary and are not paid to support or promote any service. They share their expertise by sharing content in various formats on HCM DIALOGUE, and provide valuable insights on how the site is resonating with our users.

Applications for the BOA open every Summer. A BOA member’s term is an entire year, e.g. January to December.

You can apply to be part of the BOA here when applications open.

We welcome all ideas and partnerships! If you’d like to pitch an editorial concept or an idea for any multimedia engagements, please send us an email at

Press releases for any HCM-related news can also be shared for our editorial team’s consideration.