Stacey Wood PCP Add Friend Payroll & Benefits Manager, Mamaweswen, the North Shore Tribal Council. Spreadsheet fanatic, coffee drinker. This user account status is Approved Comments Comments Activity Activity Badges Badges Friends Friends Social media is here to stay, & I believe is quickly becoming more & more normal in pre-screening applicants. Due… On Social Media Screening in Hiring: Pros, Cons and 4 Steps for Effective Background Checks "Life-work journey"...LOVE this! On The Future of Payroll: Embracing Automation and Personalization These are great--other options include simple squats (use a non-rolling chair as a base to tap down on, then push… On Why Regular Exercise Is Crucial for Office Workers and 5 Easy Exercises to Try From Your Desk Typically, if I'm taking a sick day/using my sick leave, I disconnect from work--if I'm sick, I need to rest… On Farewell to the Sick Leave: Has Remote Work Replaced Sick Days? The young worker skills gap is a very real thing--wouldn't it be great if integration into physical office work were… On We Asked the Expert Kevin Eikenberry: How to Manage Your Team From a Distance Lack of interaction that doesn't require a screen is a big isolator for me--I quite enjoy being able to just… On 5 Reasons Why Remote Workers Feel Lonely and Isolated On nice days, several of us go for a quick walk in the morning & again in the afternoon. Someone… On Handling Stress and Anxiety at Work: 11 Members of The 17th Floor Share Their Best Techniques Having the ability to truly disconnect is a real skill (and one I'm currently working on!). Being able to not… On 5 Top Reasons Why Workers Aren’t Taking Vacation Acknowledging employees is so important! Everyone likes to be "seen." On What Employees Want: Love Them or Lose Them! Taking time to honestly evaluate the schedule you've created for yourself is such an important step (in so many situations).… On 4-Step Workflow Guide for the Canadian Year-end and Tax Season load more comments