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5 Tips for Employee Recognition and Fostering a Culture of Appreciation
It is safe to say that the last couple of years have been challenging for everyone, so when it comes to the workplace, nurturing a culture of appreciation isn’t just good practice; it’simperative.
The modern workplace thrives when employees feel valued and recognized for their contributions. In fact, employees who are recognized are almost six times more likely to stay at their jobs than those who aren’t, according to Zippia.
If you think this statistic is astonishing, check check out this infographic to discover how important recognizing and rewarding your employees for their good work is!
Practical Checklist for Recognizing and Rewarding Employees
1. Personalized Recognition Programs
Not all employees are the same or feel appreciated in the same way. Managers should implement personalized recognition programs that cater to individual preferences and achievements.
2. Timely Acknowledgment
Recognizing and rewarding employees promptly is essential, as delayed recognition loses its impact. Take this advice from employee recognition experts: Great Place to Work!
3. Peer-to-Peer Recognition
Employee recognition goes beyond supervisors showing appreciation for their employees’ work. Peer-to-peer recognition is also important, and managers should also be encouraging it. Quantum Workplace affirms that “41% of workers want more recognition from their immediate coworkers.”
4. Tangible Rewards
Even though intangible rewards like experiences such as wine tastings or massages are very popular nowadays, many employees appreciate tangible rewards. This means rewards in addition to the basic salary. They could be gift cards, bonus incentives, or extra vacation days.
5. Public Acknowledgment
Every employee is different. Some might like the attention more than others, but receiving public recognition usually positively impacts employee motivation and gratification.
Going ‘McDonald’s-style’ and hanging a frame with the employee of the month’s picture could be overdoing it for some, but recognizing an employee during a staff meeting or even on social media could be a big morale booster.