After 42 years of working in HR, Payroll and Benefits, I am now enjoying my new job “Grandma!” Our son and his wife welcomed a new baby girl 2 weeks ago so I am truly thankful for the health and happiness of my family. NPI provides fantastic network to support you in your job challenges so be thankful for this network.
Family, both my home & “work” families. Thankful for the challenges I’ve faced that have allowed me to learn & grow. And thankful that I live in a place where I can escape into nature when needed.
I agree Stacey. I love a good challenge and the opportunity to learn from it. And this is one of my favourite times of year…nature brings out quite the colour palette.
I really like my job and workplace so that is what I am thankful for professionally. In my personal life, I am very thankful for my family. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!